Friday 7 February 2014

VPTAC Pharma Quiz-03 (MCQ)

1.An “orphan drug” is:
a) A very cheap drug                     b) A drug which has no therapeutic use
c) A drug needed for treatment or prevention of a rare disease
d) A drug which acts on Orphanian receptors
2.Compared to subcutaneous injection, the intramuscular injection of drugs:
a) Produces faster responses                            b) Is more painful
c) Is unsuitable for depot preparations
d) Carries greater risk of anaphylactic reaction
3. .High plasma protein binding:
a)Generally makes the drug  long acting
b)Increase volume of distribution of the drug
c)Minimise drug interactions
d)Facilitates glomerular filtration of the drug
4.A prodrug is:
a)An inactive drug that is transformed in the body to an active  metabolite

b)The prototype member of a class of drugs
c)The oldest member of a class of drugs
d)A drug that is stored in body tissues and is then gradually released in the circulation

5.Which of the following routes of administration of drugs is associated with Phlebitis?
a)Subcutaneous           b)Intravenous         c)Intraspinal            d) Intradural

6.Which  of the following drying method is used in pharma industry for drying of soft gelatin capsule?
a)Vacuum drying    b) Truck drying    c) Fluid bed drying    d) Microwave drying
7.Which water is used for hand washing in change room of pharmaceutical manufacturing plant?
a)Potable water    b) Sterile water        c)Purified water       d)Soap water

8.The first stage of wetting on addition of granulating agent to the powders is characterized by which one of the following?
a)Capillary state      b)Pendular state     c)Funicular state      d)Droplet state

9.Large value of Ky in the Heckel Plot indicate formation of what quality of tablet?
a)Harder tablets         b)Softer tablets        c)Fluffy tablet    d)Brittle tablets

10.Which wavelength of UV light provides maximum germicidal action?
a)253.7 nm        b)275.5 nm         c)240.0 nm       d)285.5 nm

11.Evaluation of colour in tablets is done by
a)Reflectance spectrophotometer              b)Tristimulus colorimeter
c)Microreflectance photometer                 d) All of the above

12.Whiskering is the problem  obtained in tablets when
a)Convex punches are used                       b)Concave punches are used
c)Flat punches are  used                             d)Biconvex punches are  used

13.Maillard reaction is related to
a)Diluents              b)Binder              c)Disintegrant             d)Glidant

14.Capping  of the tablet can be  eliminated by
a) Pre-compression                           b)Reducing the final compression rate
c)Using flat punches                         d)All of the above

15.Among the given lubricants which is not used in oral tablets
a)Talc               b)Magnesium stearate         c)Boric acid           d)None
16. The disintegration time of the effervescent tablets is
a)2 minutes           b) 2.5 minutes         c) 3.5 minutes               d) 5 minutes

17 The disintegration time of the Soft capsules is
a)15 minutes          b) 30 minutes         c) 45 minues            d) 60 minutes

18.The Erweka KEA machine  is used for
a)Capsule weighing machine                            b)Capsule imprinting machine
c)Capsule dedusting and polishing machine    d) All of the above
19.The far vaccum ultraviolet region of electromagnetic spectrum ranges from
a)10-200 mµ        b) 200-400 mµ          c) 10-300 mµ          d)10-150 mµ

20.The shift of an absorption maxima to a higher wavelength is known as:
a)Bathochromic Shift       b)Hyperchromic shift     c)Hyopchromic Shit   d)None

21.The most commonly used source for UV radiation is
a)Tungusten filament  incandescent          b)Hydrogen discharge lamp
c)Tungusten iodine lamp                           d)Quart –iodine lamp

22.The commonly used detector in UV spectrophotometer is
a)Photomultiplier tube      b)Thermocouple     c)Bolometer    d)All of the above
23.Rhapontic rhubarb is not official in pharmacopoeias because it contains
a)Rhaponticin    b)Rheum emodin         c)Aloe emodin          d)All of the above

24.In the tablet coating process, inadequate spreading of the coating solution before drying causes
a)Orange peel effect             b)Mottling        c)Blistering effect        d)None
25.Chinese rhapontic rhubarb can be distinguished  from Indian Rhubarb by fluorescence develop in UV light which is
a)Deep yellow           b)Deep violet              c)Green            d)Blue

26.The quantitative values determined for the identification of leaf drug remain consant through the age of the plant except
a)Stomatal number                                 b)Veinslet number
c)Vein Termination number                  d)Stomatal index
27.The electronic transition possible in Br2
a)s-s*        b)s-s* and n-s*        c)s-p* and p-p*       d)n-p* and s-p*

28.The monochromator is not used in
a)UV spectrometer  b)FT-IR spectrometer  c)Spectrofluorimeter d)IR spectrometer
29.During compression of moisture critical granules a hygroscopic substance used to maintain a proper moisture level is
a)Sorbitol          b)Talc       c)Acacia   d)Tragacanth

30.In the formulation of suspensions for soft gelatine encapsulation base adsorption of the solid to be suspended is expressed
a) the no of grams of liquid base required to produce a capsulated mixture when      
    mixed with 1 gm of solid
b) the no of ml of liquid base required to produce a capsulated mixture when mixed
     with 1 gm of solid
c) the no of grams of solid base required to produce a capsulated mixture when
     mixed with 1 gm of solid
d) the no of mgs of liquid base required to produce a capsulated mixture when           
     mixed with 1 gm of solid
31.Which one of the following is not an example of G-protein coupled receptor?
a)Nicotinic cholinergic receptor             b)Muscarinic cholinergic receptor
c)Alpha adrenoceptor                              d)Beta adrenoceptor

32.Which amongst the following auxochromes produces a shift towards higher energy wavelength?
a)-CH3                     b)-C=O               c)-Cl                      d) –NHCH3

33. Inhibition of  which of the following Cytochrome P450 enzyme system most likely to be involved in important drug- drug interactions?
a)CYP2D6             b) CYP2C9              c) CYP1A2           d)CYP3A4

34.According to USP , the speed regulating device of  the dissolution apparatus should be capable of maintaining the speed within limits of what % should be selected?
a)1%                b)2%                  c)3%                          d)4%

35. What is Primogel?
a) Substituted HPMC for direct compression
b)Modified microcrystalline cellulose for direct compression
c)Hydro gelling polymer for gel formation for capsules
d)Modified starch for disintegration

36.Upon standing  sometimes gel systems gel systems shrinks a bit  and little liquid is pressed out ? What is this phenomenon known as?
a)Syneresis          b) Gel formation           c)shrinking          d)Oozing
37.T-shaped trichomes are present in:
a)Senna         b)Clove                 c)Rhubarb              d)Artemisia

38. Hydathode are  the most important microscopical characters of the plant known as
a) Senna                      b)Clove                    c)Rhubarb               d)Piper betal
39.Presence of cluster sheath and collenchymas is the important microscopical character of the :
a) Senna              b)Clove               c)Rhubarb                 d)Piper betal

40. Parenchyma with small scattered sieve tube and secondary phloem contain Calcium oxalate crystal is the important microscopical character of the:
a) Senna                 b)Clove              c)Rhubarb                 d)Rauwolfia

41.All the important microscopical character of the Clove except
a) Cluster crystal of calcium oxalate              b) polyhedral endosperm
c)stone cells                                                    d) oil gland ovoid &schizolyzenous

42. Two compounds have the same composition and also have the same atoms attached to the same atoms,although with  different orientations in space.These compounds are-
a). identical        b). position isomer         c.) structural isomers     d.) stereoisomers

43. Which of the following statement is false about Tautomers?
a). Tautomers are structural isomers
b). . Tautomers are structural isomers which exist in dynamic equilibrium
c.) Tautomerism involves movement of atoms
d). Tautomers have independent existence

44. Which of the following compounds exhibit geometrical isomerism?
a). 1-pentene        b). 2-methyl-2-pentene      c.) 2-pentene   d.) 2-methyl-2-butene
45. Which of the following compounds may exist as cis-trans isomers?
a). 1-butene        b). 2-butene              c). cyclopropane             d). acetone

46. The compound CH3CH2OCH2CH3 and CH3OCH2CH2CH3  are
a). enantiomer     b). conformational isomer     c). metamers     d). optical isomers

47.What is λmax value of the homoanular diene?
a)217          b)232        c)253          d)325

1.C 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.A 11.D12.B 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.C 19.A  20.A 21.B 22.A 23.A 24.A 25.B 26.D 27.B 28.B 29.A 30.A 31.A 32.D 33.D 34.D 35.D 36.A 37.D 38.D 39.A 40.A  41.B 42.D 43.D 44.C 45.B 46.C 47.C

1 comment:

  1. Ans 5. Phlebitis is the inflammation of a vein, usually in the legs. It most commonly occurs in superficial veins. Phlebitis often occurs in conjunction with thrombosis and is then called "thrombophlebitis" or "superficial thrombophlebitis" - an annoying but not harmful condition[1] (as opposed to deep vein thrombosis).
    For more:-
