Tuesday, 18 February 2014

GATE-1989 (Pharmaceutical Science)

Choose the correct answers.
Q.1 Repeated administration of tyramine results in its decreasing effectiveness:
a) Gets detoxicated easily            b) Displaces nor-adrenaline from nerve endings binding site
c) Displaces adrenaline from nerve endings binding site               d) None of these
Q.2 Atropine on hydrolysis with barium hydrochloride gives:
a) Tropanol and tropic acid                        b) Scopine and tropic acid
c) Ecgonine and benzoic acid                     d) Benzyl ecgonine and methanol
Q.3 The concentration of sucrose in simple syrup B.P. is
a) 85 %              b) 60.70 %               c) 66.70 %                             d) 40.74 %
Q.4 Stratified cork forked fibres are the characteristic diagnostic features of:
a) Apocynaceae     b) Scrophulariaceae           c) Gnetaceae               d) Polygonaceae
Q.5 most accepted mechanism for developing bacterial resistance to sulphonamides
a) An increasing capacity to inactivate or destroy the drug
b) An alternative metabolic pathway for synthesis of an essential metabolite
 c) An increased product of drug antagonist             d) An alteration in enzyme that utilize PABA
Q.6 C17 α-β unsaturated lactone ring is a common feature in:
a) Digitalis and squill glycosides                b) Digitalis and strophanthus glycosides
c) Digitalis and Senna glycosides               d) Digitalis and amygdalin
Q.7 For drying blood plasma the following technique is used:
a) Spray drying       b) Freeze drying            c) Vacuum drying                d) Fluid bed drying
Q.8 C3 O-glycoside digitoxin is used for:
a) Cardiac action                                                 b) Hypotensive action
c) Precipitating steroids from solution               d) precipitating anthraquinone glycosides
Q.9 Chemical name of amoxicillin is
a) 6-[D-(-) α-amino –p-hydroxy phenyl acetamide] penicillinic acid
b) 4-[D-(-) α- amino –p-hydroxy phenyl acetamide] penicillinic acid
c) β-hydroxyl analogue of benzyl penicillin                          d) α-carboxy benzyl penicillin
Q.10 The HLB value of sodium lauryl sulphate is:
a) 6.5                b) 13.5                    c) 25                     d) 40.0
Q.11 Claviceps purpurea yields after infecting ovaries of Graminaceous plants:
a) Digitoxin          b) Lysergic acid derivatives              c) Reserpine            d) Polypeptides
Q.12 In the official bioassay of Erythromycin the strain used is
a) Bacillus subtilis      b) Micrococcus luteus         c) Salmonella typhi        d) Escherichia coli
Q.13 The disintegration time for sugar coated tablet is
a) 30 minutes         b) 45 minutes               c) 60 minutes           d) 75 minutes
Q.14 Idioblast of crystal layer of calcium oxalate is a diagnostic feature of:
a) Hyoscyamous niger leaves  b) Deadly night shade leaves  c) Cinchona bark  d) Senna leaves
Q.15 Antibiotic which interacts with calcium ion is:
a) Erythromycin      b) Streptomycin              c) Tetracycline                      d) Ampicillin
Q.16 flow rate of granules from the hopper can be improved by adding:
a) Disintetrant          b) Glidant                c) Binder              d) lubricant
Q.17 Silicon carbide rod heated to high temperature is used as a
a) Detector in infra red spectroscopy                b) Source of light in infra red spectroscopy
c) Source of light fluorimetry                           d) Detector in gas chromatography
Q.18 Anomocytic stomata are found in the leaves of:
a) Fox glove        b) Urginea maritime            c) Cassia acutifolia           d) Atropa belladonna
Q.19 Liver microsomal enzymes are stimulated (enzyme induction) by:
a) Cimetidine           b) Phenobarbitone           c) Procaine                d) Adrenaline
Q.20 Enteric coating is achieved by using:
a) Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose               b) Carboxy methyl cellulose
c) Cellulose acetate phthalate                        d) Povidone

Q.21Carr Price reaction is applied for the photometric evaluation of:
a) Vitamin A        b) Tocopherol   c) Nandrolone phenyl propionate        d) Benzodiazepine
Q.22 Peroxidase enzyme present in acacia is identified by:
a) Borntrager’s test                  b) Molish’s test                c) Oxidation and excretion in benzene
d) oxidation and treatment with benzidine
Q.23 Prostaglandins are a group of related
a) Alcohol           b) Aldehyde                 c) Fatty acid                 d) Alkaloids
Q.24 License to sell drugs specified in Schedule C and C1 is given in form number:
a) 19                  b) 18                  c) 21                         d) 24
Q.25 Liquid paraffin exhibits:
a) Plastic flow       b) Newtonian flow    c) Pseudo plastic flow       d) Dilatant flow
Q.26 Estrogenic and progestrogenic combination mainly:
a) Inhibits the ovulation                         b) Inhibits the implantation of the fertilized ovum
c) Inhibits the fertilization of ovum       d) Inhibits development of endometrium
Q.27 More of earthy matter in a rhizome is determined by:
a) Total ash value                     b) The earthy material is separated and then weighted
c) The rhizome is washed in water and then in hydrochloric acid finally it is weighed
d) Acid insoluble ash value
Q.28 Lidocaine is synthesized from:
a) 2, 6-dimethyl-5-amino methyl benzene       b) 2, 6-dimethyl-5-nitro methyl benzene
c) 2, 6-xylidine                                                 d) 2-methyl-6-ethyl-5-amino methyl benzene
Q.29 Sterilization temperature for aqueous solution in autoclave (moist heat) is:
a) 720C                  b) 1210C                 c) 1470C               d) 1600C
Q.30 Following combination is suggested in the treatment of Leprosy:
a) Dapsone + Ampicillin + Clofazimine           b) Dapsone + Clofazimine + Rifampin
c) Dapsone + Erythromycin + Rifampin           d) Dapsone + Tetracycline + Streptomycin
Q.31 The gummy nature of Astragalus gummifier is dependent on:
a) More of methoxyl groups of Bassorin                     b) The carbohydrate content
c) More of hydroxyl groups of the sugar moiety         d) More of protein content of the drug
Q.32 The vitamin administered with Isoniazid to minimize its adverse reaction is:
a) Vitamin A          b) Pyridoxine              c) Biotin              d) Pantothenic acid
Q.33 For the synthesis of nitrofurantoin which one of the following of chemicals are used
a) 5-nitro-2-furadehyde and 1-amino hydantoin
b) 5-nitro-2-furadehyde and hydantoin
 c) 5-amino-2-furadehyde 2-amino hydantoin
d) 5-amino-2-furadehyde & Barbituric acid
Q.34 To get the optimum optical density of the solution for 1 cm thick layer the concentration
should be about:
a) 10-4 mole/lit            b) 10-7 mole/lit               c) 0.1 gm/lit              d) 0.5 gm/lit
Q.35 The sugar moiety of Digitalis purpurea is:
a) 2, 6-deoxy allose    b) 2, 6-deoxy glucose   c) 2-deoxy Rhamanose  d) 2, 6-deoxy galactose
Q.36 Addition of sodium chloride to sodium oleate emulsion will:
a) Stabilize emulsion                                                b) Destabilize emulsion
c) Decrease the globule size of the emulsion           d) none of these
Q.37 Anti-hypertensive drug which inhibits the renin Angiotensin system is:
a) Reserpine           b) Captopril                 c) Methyldopa                 d) Propranolol
Q.38 Acidity of ascorbic acid is due to presence of:
a) Free carboxylic group      b) A number of hydroxyl groups    c) Enolic group     d) none
Q.39 Progesterone injection BP is sterile solution in:
a) Water         b) Ethyl acetate       c) Propylene glycol Glycerol        d) none of these
Q.40 Thiamine on treatment with sodium sulfite solution and sulfur dioxide yields:
a) Pyrimidine and thiazole derivatives                             b) pyridine and thiazole derivatives
c) 2, 3, 4-trihydropyridine and thiophene derivatives      d) pyrimidine and thiophene der.
(2) Q.1 Identify the correct Skelton ring present in the following compounds from the ring systems listed a to e.
2.i.1 Riboflavin                 a) Per hydro cyclopentanophenanthrene
2.i.2 Estrone                      b) 1, 8-Naphthyridine
2.i.3 Indomethacin            c) Indole
2.i.4 Naldixic acid             d) Quinoline
                                           e) Iso alloxazine
Q.2 Choose the instrument or apparatus listed from a to e to study the following:
2.ii.1 Rheology of semi solids                a) Andreasen Pipette
2.ii.2 Hardness of tablets                        b) Monsanto tester
2.ii.3 Particle size in suspension             c) Ultrasonifier
2.ii.4 Homogenization of emulsion         d) Viscometer
                                                                 e) Zeta meter
Q.3 Given below are some Microscopical diagnostic features of the drugs listed a to e.
Choose the appropriate one
2.iii.1 Unlignified seplate fibre                                                  a) Rhubarb
2.iii.2 Raphides of calcium oxalate embedded in mucilage          b) Liquorice
2.iii.3 Anisocytic type of stomata                                                  c) Ginger
2.iii.4 Star spots                                                                              d) Squill
                                                                                                        e) Solanaceous plant
Q.4 Choose the most appropriate drug for the following:
2.iv.1 Potassium sparing diuretic                             a) Spironolactone
2.iv.2 Loop diuretic                                                  b) Mannitol
2.iv.3 Osmotic diuretic                                             c) Furosemide
2.iv.4 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor                         d) Acetazolamide
                                                                                  e) Aldosterone
Q.5 Transmitted color that corresponds to various wavelength range as listed under a to e.
Choose the correct wavelength for the color.
2.v.1 Green                                a) 435 – 480 nm
2.v.2 Orange                              b) 500 – 560 nm
2.v.3 Yellow                              c) 580 – 595 nm
2.v.4 Red                                    d) 595 – 650 nm
                                                    e) 650 – 780 nm
Q.6 Given below are equipment used in the manufacture of the following products a to e.
2.vi.1 Zanasi                   a) Tablet granules
2.vi.2 HEPA filter          b) Tablet coating
2.vi.3 Chilsonator           c) Emulsion
2.vi.4 Accelacota            d) Injectable
                                         e) Capsules
Q.7 Match the following with the Schedules listed a to e correctly.
2.vii.1 Requirements of factory premises                                                             a) P
2.vii.2 Standards for disinfectant fluids                                                                b) V
2.vii.3 Life period of drugs                                                                                   c) N
2.vii.4 List of minimum equipments for the efficient running of pharmacy        d) O
                                                                                                                               e) M
Q.8 Following are the reactions/tests observed in case of drugs listed in a to d.
2.viii.1When fixed oil is exposed to UV rays, blue fluorescence is produced     a) Digoxin
2.viii.2 On oxidation with KMnO4, benzaldehyde odour is perceived                b) Benzoin
2.viii.3 With ammonical Quaxon characteristic ballooned fibre is seen under microscope
                                                                                                                             c) Cinchona
2.viii.4 Bark powder exhibits fluorescence with sulphuric acid                          d) Palmodin
                                                                                                                 e) Gossypium barbadance
Q.9 Mechanism of Anti-tubercular action of the drugs listed are indicated in a to e.
2.ix.1 Ethambutol                     a) Prevents the synthesis of protein and DNA and reduces
                                                      RNA synthesis
2.ix.2 P.A.S.                             b) Interfere with several steps in protein synthesis
2.ix.3 Cycloserine                    c) Competitive inhibition
2.ix.4 Ethionamide                   d) Inhibits peptide synthesis in Mycobacteria
                                                  e) Inhibits DNA directed RNA synthesis
Q.10 Given below are the receptors and their antagonist (a to e). Match them correctly.
2.x.1 Histaminic H2 receptor                     a) Atropine
2.x.2 Muscarinic receptor                           b) Ranitidine
2.x.3 Adrenaline α-receptor                       c) Pentolamine
2.x.4 Adrenaline β-receptor                       d) Metaraminol
                                                                   e) Metoprolol
Q.11 Match the following regions in GIT with the pH level indicated from a to e
2.xi.1 Mouth                              a) 5.0 – 6.0
2.xi.2 Stomach                          b) 6.8 – 7.5
2.xi.3 Duodenum                       c) 6.8 – 7.0
2.xi.4 Large Intestine                 d) 3.0 – 5.0
                                                   e) 1.5 – 3.0
Q.12 Listed a to e are some of the analytical constants. Match them correctly with the
drugs given below.
2.xii.1 A leafy drug                                                                                   a) total ash value
2.xii.2 A bark                                                                                            b) Cineole content
2.xii.3 Eucalyptus oil                                                                                c) Fibre length
2.xii.4 A fixed oil having more of unsaturated fatty acid glyceride          d) Iodine value
                                                                                                                   e) Stomatal index
Q.13 Match the ingredients listed a to e with the purpose for which they are used in the formulations:
2.xiii.1 Film coating                        a) Sodium benzoate
2.xiii.2 Syrups                                 b) Ethyl cellulose
2.xiii.3 Emulsification                     c) Eudragit
2.xiii.4 Enteric coating                    d) Sucrose
                                                         e) Sodium oleate
Q.14 Match the biological activity listed under a to e for the following compounds
2.xiv.1 1, 3-propanediol-2-methyl-2-propyl carbamate                   a) Antimalarial
2.xiv.2 2-chloro-10-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl] phenothiazine       b) Bactericidal->
                                                                                        -> to anaerobic and microphilic organism
2.xiv.3 5-Nitro-2-furaldehyde-semicarbazone              c) Antibacterial
2.xiv.4 2-methyl-5-nitro Imidazole-1-ethanol               d) Relief of anxiety and tension
                                                                                        e) Tranquilizer
Q.15 Given below are the drugs a to e and the ailments for which they recommended.
2.xv.1 Parkinsonism                                    a) Methyl dopa
2.xv.2 Hypertension                                     b) Levodopa with decarboxylase inhibitor
2.xv.3 Nasal decongestion                           c) Neostigmine
2.xv.4 Myasthenia gravis                             d) Phenyl propanolamine
                                                                      e) Ibuprofen
Q.16 Given below are some of the drugs and their mode of action (a to e) .
2.xvi.1 Hydralazine                        a) Vasodilator by direct action
2.xvi.2 Phenothiazine                     b) Inhibits the vaso constrictor and pressor effect of 5 HT
2.xvi.3 Methysergide                      c) Antagonist to H1 receptor Histamine
2.xvi.4 Tolazamide                         d) Stimulate the islet tissue to secret insulin
                                                        e) Inhibiting the enzyme carbonic anhydrase
Q.17 Given below in a to e are the list of drug appropriate tests are given below for the drugs.
2.xvii.1 Alcoholic solution of α-naphthol and sulphuric acid             a) Atropine
2.xvii.2 Murexide test                                                                          b) Reserpine
2.xvii.3 Para dimethyl benzaldehyde                                                   c) Caffeine
2.xvii.4 Ninhydrin                                                                                d) Gelatin
                                                                                                              e) Triticum sativum powder
Q.18 Given below in a to e are the names of instruments used for the determination of the
following parameters. Match them correctly.
2.xviii.1 Particle volume                                  a) Clarity apparatus
2.xviii.2 Presence of Foreign particle               b) Du Nouy ring
2.xviii.3 Surface tension                                   c) Coulter counter
2.xviii.4 Presence of polymorphism                 d) Compactor
                                                                           e) Differential thermal calorimeter
Q.19 Choose the correct starting material listed a to e for the synthesis of the following drugs
2.xix.1 Cortisone                        a) Diasogenin
2.xix.2 Progesterone                  b) β-ionone
2.xix.3 Testosterone                   c) Spirostanol
2.xix.4 Vitamin A                      d) Sarmentogenin
                                                    e) anthracin
Q.20 Given below the types of ointments bases. Match them with the correct ointments in a to e.
2.xx.1 Absorption base               a) Emulsifying ointment
2.xx.2 Oilogenous base             b) Hydrophilic ointment
2.xx.3 Emulsion base                c) Oily cream
2.xx.4 Water soluble base         d) Kaolin poultice
                                                   e) Simple ointment
Answer Key-1989 (Multiple Choice)
1.b 2.a 3.c 4.a 5.d 6.b 7.b 8.a 9.a 10.d 11.b 12.b 13.c 14.c 15.c 16.b 17.b 18.a 19.b 20.c 21.a 22.d 23.c 24.c 25.c 26.a 27.c 28.c 29.b 30.b 31.a 32.b 33.a 34.b 35.b 36.b 37.b 38.c 39.c 40.a
Match the column
1. (1) e (2) a (3) c (4) b              2. (1) d (2) b (3) a (4) c
3. (1) c (2) d (3) e (4) a              4. (1) a (2) c (3) b (4) d
5. (1) b (2) d (3) c (4) e              6. (1) e (2) d (3) a (4) b
7. (1) e (2) d (3) a (4) c              8. (1) d (2) b (3) e (4) c
9. (1) d (2) c (3) a (4) b            10. (1) b (2) a (3) c (4) e
11. (1) c (2) d (3) a (4) b          12. (1) e (2) c (3) b (4) d
13. (1) b (2) d (3) e (4) c          14. (1) d (2) e (3) c (4) b
15. (1) b (2) a (3) d (4) c          16. (1) a (2) c (3) b (4) d
17. (1) e (2) c (3) b (4) d          18. (1) c (2) a (3) b (4) e
19. (1) c (2) a (3) d (4) b          20. (1) d (2) e (3) c (4) b

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