Tuesday, 18 February 2014

VPTAC Pharma Quiz-32 (MCQ)

1. One of the following is the method based on excitation
A. GM counter  B. Scintillation counter  C. Both (A) & (B) D. None of the above
2. The main use as piper nigrum is as:
A. Antiperiodic   B. Aromatic stimulation  C. Antidiarrhoeal   D. Antipyretic
3. The optical amino acid is
A. Glycine      B. Threonine         C. Serine           D. Valine
4. The half life of glycogens is
A. ~ 5     B. ~ 7        C. ~ 10         D. ~ 12
5. An Amphibolic pathway among the following is
A. HMP shunt       B. Citric acid cycle       C. Glycolysis         D. Gluconeogenesis
6. Protein bound iodine is -------------- bound to Protein
A. Iodine            B. Tri iodo thyronine      C. Thyroid hormones         D. Thyroxine
7. Example of Narcotic drug is:
A. Coca                 B. Chara              C. Opium                       D. All of the above
8. Transgenic animals are improvement of the quality of
A. Milk                      B. Eggs                C. Meat                     D. All of the above
9. Mordant use of grams staining is
A. Crystal violate       B. Saffranin       C. Iodine           D. All
10. Basophils have receptors for antibodies
A. IgG          B. IgE         C. IgM                        D. IgA
1.B    2.B    3.A    4.A    5.B        6.C    7.D    8.D    9.C    10.B

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