Tuesday, 18 February 2014

GATE-1995 (Pharmaceutical Science)

1.Choose the correct answers.
Q.1 One of the drug is excreted primarily by renal tubular secretions. Identify
a) Gentamycin          b) Kanamycin         c) Tetracycline           d) Carbinicillin
Q.2 Identify one of the cancer chemotherapeutic agent which is an anti metabolite
a) Fluorouracil        b) Nitrogen mustard    c) Cyclophosphamide       d) Chlorambucil
Q.3 Agents useful in the treatment of bronchial asthma usually
a) block both α and β adrenergic receptors      
b) Stimulate α receptors but block β receptors
c) Stimulate β receptors but block α receptors
d) Stimulate α and β receptors
Q.4 The anti arrhythmic drug Quinidine
a) (+) Stereoisomer of Quinine                        b) (-) Stereoisomer of Quinine
c) (±) Racemic mixture of Quinine                  d) none of the above
Q.5 β-Carboline ring system is present in
a) Emetine alkaloid b) Cortisone acetate c) Despiridine molecule d) Atropine alkaloid
Q.6 License for wholesale of drugs specified in Schedule C and C1 are issued in form
a) 20 A                     b) 20 B                      c) 21 B                             d) 22 A
Q.7 The principal constituent Anethole (50 – 60 %) and Fenchone (18 – 20 %) is present
in the volatile oil obtained from
a) Fruits of Ammi visnaga-Linn                 b) Fruits of Foeniculum capillaccum – G (F. vulgare)
c) Fruits of Carum carvi-Linn                    d) Fruits of Anethum Graveolens-Linn
Q.8 Caffeine on oxidation with KClO3/HCl gives
a) Trimethyl alloxan and urea                             b) Methyl alloxan and dimethyl urea
c) Dimethyl alloxan and methyl urea                 d) none of these
Q.9 Out of the following types of adverse drug reactions is not believed to be dose
related phenomena.
a) Side effects and toxic reactions              b) Toxic reactions and hypersensitivity
c) Side effects and hypersensitivity             d) Hypersensitivity and idiosyncrasy
Q.10 Green bones are used for the preparation of a gelatin of the type
a) A                b) B                   c) C                         d) A and B
Q.11 In ROTOFIL is used for filling
a) powders                      b) pellets                  c) liquids                         d) corrosive liquids
Q.12 Gelatin and glycerin are used for the preparation of Lamellae in a specified ratio.
Identify the correct ratio
a) 1:1                           b) 5:1                         c) 9:1                               d) 10:1
Q.13 The Shick test is used to determine susceptibility to
a) Measles                     b) diphtheria                        c) Polio                                  d) typhoid
Q.14 One of the following general characteristics is not true for alkaloids
a) Nitrogen in the heterocyclic nucleus           b) Good solubility in organic solvents
c) pKa less than 7                                             d) Exhibit optical activity
Q.15 Silver/Silver chloride electrode consist of
a) metallic silver coated with a layer of silver chloride
b) Polished platinum wire coated with silver chloride
c) silver wire dipped in a saturated solution of silver chloride
d) two electrodes one of silver and other of silver chloride
Q.16 In gel permeation chromatography, molecules are separated on the basis of their
a) Chemical nature    b) Size and shape     c) Adsorptive properties     d) Partition coefficient
Q.17 According to Pauli exclusion principle, spin of two electrons in the same orbital are
a) parallel to one another                     b) perpendicular to one another
 c) Opposite to each other                    d) supporting one another
Q.18 Vaccines and toxoids are precipitated and absorbed on to aluminium hydroxide or
other suitable media. This process results in a dosage form that in comparation to fluid form
a) more effective orally    b) absorbed slowly   c) stability is increased    d) irritation is lost
Q.19 In order to produce characteristic pharmacological action, a drug must always
a) reach high blood levels                                                 b) absorbed from GIT readily
c) achieve adequate  concentration at the side of action    d) excrete unchanged in urine
Q.20 The Wurster process can be used to
a) coat tablets                                                    b) determine the disintegration time
c) gas sterilize parentral solutions                     d) automatic filling of capsules
2. Fill in the blanks
1. In multistation process, the portion head that hold the upper and lower punches are
   called the upper and lower……..respectively.
2. In tablet disintegration test, the wire mesh of the tube at its lowest point is atleast
     ….mm above the bottom of the beaker.
3. Roller compactor is used in large scale…..granulation.
4. Chemical name of propellant 114 is……………….
5. In non aqueous injections Sesame oil and…..oil are used as solvent
6. 1-(p-chlorobenzoyl)-5-methoxy-2-methyl Indole-3-acetic acid is commonly known as..
7. Rubifium chloride injection (contains Rb-86) is used to determine….blood flow.
8. Benzil on treatment with urea gives…..which is anticonvulsant.
9. Ethyl phenyl malonamide on condensation with formaldehyde gives…………
10. In the outer part of the…..numerous ovoid Schizo-lysigenous oil glands are present in
      clove bud.
11. The brown seed of Nutmeg is surrounded by a crimson reticulate…..which is
       stripped off and dried to form mace.
12. Terbutiline sulphate is a ……agonist.
13.Salicylates and other anti-inflammatory drugs irreversibly inactivate the enzyme                 
      …..responsible for the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin.
14. The temperature above which cloudiness suddenly appears for non-ionic surfactant in
      solution is known as…………..
15. Dragendorff’s reagent used in testing alkaloids is chemically……..
16. IR absorption spectra of aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives
      contain one absorption common peak due to………….
17.When the molecular weight of a substance is unknown, the intensity of absorption is
      expressed as………….
18. The frequency of rotating magnetic field and the frequency of the precessing nucleus
become equal they are said to be in…………..
19. A rod of silicone carbide 6 – 8 mm in diameter and 50 mm in length heated to a
temperature of 13000C gives……………………..radiation.
20. Osmotic pellets are extensively used as…………
3. State whether the following are True or False
1. The chloro group in chlortetracycline is in 8th position.
2.Ethacrynic acid is high ceiling (loop) diuretic which inhibits electrolytic reabsorption in
   the thick ascending limb of the loop on Henle
3. Pharmaceutical pectin differs from commercial pectin because it does not contain
    sugar and organic acid.
4. antihistamines stimulate the metabolism of endogenous histamine.
5. Vitamin E appears to be compatible with mineral supplement such as calcium and iron
6. Hepatic clearance is the sum of hepatic metabolic clearance and biliary clearance.
7. The efficiency of a tumbling mixer is highly dependent on the speed of rotation.
8. Liquid glucose is obtained by complete hydrolysis of starch.
9. Ethylene oxide sterilization is suitable for rubber closures.
10. Samples can be handled in the form of solid, liquid or gas in mass spectrometry.
11. A photo cathode operates on the principle that electrons are emitted from certain
      material in direct proportion to the number of light quanta striking on the surface of
      the material.
12. Purine occurs in free nature.
13. A guard column is used to HPLC to pre saturate the mobile phase with stationary
14. Balsams are resinous mixtures that contain large proportions of benzoic acid,
     cinnamic acid, salicylic acid or esters of these acids.
15. The state pharmacy council is established by state drugs controller.

4. Match the followings
Q.1 Match the followings descriptions given A to F with product mentioned below:
1) Agar                        a) Chief carbohydrate from macrocystis pyrifera
2) Carageenan             b) Dried exudates from Astragalus’s gummier
3) Tragacanth              c) Closely related hydrocolloids from Chondrus cripsus
4) Algin                       d) Hydrophilic colloid from Geledium cartilagenum.
                                     e) Powdered endosperm of the seeds of Cyamopsis tetragonolobus
                                      f) Carbohydrates from the Rhizomes a zinger sps.
Q.2 Listed are drugs 1 to 4. Their appropriate antihypertensive mechanism are given in A
to F. Match them correctly.
1) PIDALOL                  a) Vasodilator
2) MINOXIDIL              b) Angiotensin converting enzyme
3) CAPTOPRIL              c) Diuretic
4) AMILORIDE              d) β – blockers
                                         e) Centrally acting α2- adrenoceptor agonist
                                          f) Potassium induction
Q.3 Listed below are substances which are assayed by organisms mentioned in A to E.
Match them correctly.
1) Crystal Voilet I.P.              a) Pasteurella pestis
2) Ampicillin I.P.                   b) Bacillus cereus
3) Plague Vaccine I.P.           c) Micrococcus luteus
4) Rifampicin I.P.                  d) Staphylococcus aureus
                                               e) Lactobacillus aureus
                                               f) Bacillus subtilis
Q.4 Important Psychoactive phenothiazines listed below have the following side chains at
10-positions, which are given in
1) CHLORPROMAZINE                   a) 3-(4-methyl piperazine-1-yl)propyl
2) PROCHLORPERAZINE               b) 2-(1-methyl piperid-2-yl) ethyl
3) THIORIDAZINE                           c) 3-[4-(2-hydroxy ethyl) piperazine-1-yl)]propyl
4) PERPHENAZINE                          d) Dimethylamino ethyl
                                                            e) Dimethylamino propyl
                                                            f) Dimethylamino butyl

Q.5 Listed below are the physical forms of the medicaments which normally show the
rheological properties given A to F. Match them correctly.
1) Viscous oils                                          a) Dilatant flow
2) Gellies                                                   b) Plug flow
3) Colloids                                                c) Newtonian flow
4) Concentrated solid suspension             d) Plastic flow
                                                                   e) Pseudo plastic flow
                                                                   f) Non-Newtonian flow
Answer Key-1995 (Multiple Choice)
1.d 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.c 6.c 7.b 8.c 9.d 10.b 11.b 12.b 13.b 14.c 15.c 16.b 17.c 18.c 19.a 20.a
Fill in the blanks
1. turrets            2. 25      3. dry          4. dichlorotetrafluoroethane       5.arachis oil 6.Indomethacin     7. Myocardial  8. Phenytoin   9. primidone    10. hypanthium      11.arrilode 12. β2   13. Archidonic acid cycloxygenase   14. cloud point   15. potassium bismuth iodide
16. Carbonyl group stretching      17. E1% 1cm     18. resonance       19.infra red radiation
20. sustained release
1. F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F 6. F 7.T 8.F 9.F 10.T 11.T 12.F 13.F 14.F 15F
Match the columns
1. (1) d (2) c (3) b (4) a                   2. (1) d (2) a (3) b (4) c
3. (1) d (2) c (3) a (4) f                    4. (1) e (2) a (3) b (4) c
5. (1) c (2) e (3) f (4) a

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